Shamrock Shuffle 2012 results |
Then...I got sick. Something nasty was floating around my group of friends, and half of us were out for about 2 weeks with some sort of bad flu/sinus infection. I was determined to still run the race even though I was sick, and decided my only goal was to cross the finish line. On race day I felt good enough to do that, and guess what? I PR'd! 1:39:19 averaging 9:55/mile (the first 7 miles I was averaging 9:40/mile, but then my sickness kicked in and attacked my lungs and really slowed me down)
This was my 3rd 10-mile race, and I finished it 13 minutes faster than my first one! PR-ing WHILE being sick?! I never expected to do that so I was ecstatic. I kept thinking, imagine if I hadn't been sick. My time would have been even better.
So there is my running update until this point. I'm hoping to get 5 miles in tomorrow, as long as my calves aren't giving me any trouble. Keep you all posted on my continued running successes this season!