Monday, April 30, 2012

Race Season Begins with PRs!

So maybe I should have waited to create this blog until race season had officially begun, or marathon training for that matter, but I was so excited when I signed up for the Chicago Marathon back in February that I couldn't wait to announce it to everyone.  The excitement wore off though, and nerves set in.  I didn't have anything exciting to blog about (not like writing about running is exciting though) so this site was left untouched for I don't even know how many days.  Apologies for not keeping up with this, but now that race season and training is really underway hopefully I'll be keeping this up to date at least once a week, if not more.

Every year race season in Chicago starts off with the Shamrock Shuffle 8k.  This is the first year I participated, and let me say I can not wait to run it again next year.  What a great race to start the new race year off!  Running through the streets of downtown on a crisp morning was so much fun.  The weather is always unpredictable for this March race, but this year we got lucky with a sunny, 50 degree morning!  Thank you global warming and the unseasonably warm March Chicago was blessed with.  I've been working really hard to not put time goals on my races, but rather goals to run the best I possibly can for each race.  With that mind set I can't psych myself out and be setup for letdowns, and most likely will PR instead.  Seeing as this was my first Shamrock Shuffle I can't technically call my time a PR, but my min/mile during a race was a PR so that has to count for something!  I finished the race in 46:59 (around a 9:25/mile pace)!  I was very happy with my time as I have never broken 10:00/miles during a race before today.  What a great sign for the rest of the running season.
Shamrock Shuffle 2012 results

After this race I was ready to go.  A week later I did a 7.5 mile run, and it went really well.  I felt great afterwards, and confident that I was going to continue to get better at running and improve my times.  Unfortunately I didn't have any races coming up before the Soldier Field 10 mile in May.  Then I got an email from Catholic Charities including a discount code for the CARA Lakefront 10 miler April 28.  With my CARA discount + Catholic Charities discount the 10 miler would only be $25!  I prayed that I wouldn't be scheduled to work that morning, and two weeks before the race I got my schedule with that morning off, so I signed up!

Then...I got sick.  Something nasty was floating around my group of friends, and half of us were out for about 2 weeks with some sort of bad flu/sinus infection.  I was determined to still run the race even though I was sick, and decided my only goal was to cross the finish line.  On race day I felt good enough to do that, and guess what?  I PR'd!  1:39:19 averaging 9:55/mile (the first 7 miles I was averaging 9:40/mile, but then my sickness kicked in and attacked my lungs and really slowed me down)

This was my 3rd 10-mile race, and I finished it 13 minutes faster than my first one!  PR-ing WHILE being sick?!  I never expected to do that so I was ecstatic.  I kept thinking, imagine if I hadn't been sick.  My time would have been even better.

So there is my running update until this point.  I'm hoping to get 5 miles in tomorrow, as long as my calves aren't giving me any trouble.  Keep you all posted on my continued running successes this season!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Too Many Races, Not Enough Time

Race season hasn't even begun, and I already have to knock off two races from my list :(
The Holy Half marathon in South Bend, and the 13.1 in Chicago conflict with another obligation and a wedding.  It's pretty frustrating now that I'm really excited about running as a sport, not just as a quick part of my cardio workout.  Oh well, guess I'll have to get over it in a few days...."There's always next year..."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It's Official...

...I'm running the Chicago Marathon!  No turning back now, I registered today shortly before 6:00pm.  Only 248 days until I step up to the starting line to complete 26.2 miles!  I was super excited all day to register, but I had to wait until after work to get to a computer and sign up.  Only 3 hours later, and I've had a ton of support and congrats pouring in.  Running the marathon is going to be so much easier knowing I have a huge support group of friends and family cheering me on.  I'm looking forward to running it with some great running friends, Steve and Kay, my sister Elizabeth, and hopefully Mark will be able to get away from work to join us.  I sure hope this excitement doesn't wear off anytime soon, because I think I have a runner's high just from registering.  It's only 13.1 miles more than the longest race I've ever done...easy, right?!
                                                                        (2011 route)

In other running news...yesterday was an awesome day for running!  The temperature hit just around 60F.  In Chicago.  In January!  This kind of abnormally warm weather is every runner's winter dream.  We get to finally step off the treadmill and step onto the pavement.  I dread running on the treadmill, so this was a great opportunity I had to take advantage of.  I rushed home from work yesterday, quickly changed into my running gear (no gloves or hat!), and hit the lake shore path.  Oh my gosh, I couldn't have asked for better conditions!  It was by far the best run of my life.  I somehow managed to post an 8:53/mile pace, and ran just over 4 miles in 35 minutes.  The rest of my day was so great because I got that outside run in.  Tomorrow the high is 52F, so you better believe I'll be out for a run again.  Gotta enjoy this warm winter weather while it lasts.